Federal Cross of Merit for foundation founder Jörg Baetge
On June 28, 2023, the Minister for Federal and European Affairs and Head of the State Chancellery Nathanael Liminski awarded the Federal Cross of Merit to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Baetge. The Board of the Foundation and the Board of [...]
Lea and Sophie look back on an eventful time at IACS
The two were in Kenya for six weeks and completed an internship at IACS. You learned a lot during your stay and developed personally, but also learned a lot about the Kenyan way of life and culture. The pictures speak [...]
Inauguration of the teachers’ accommodation
The new teacher accommodation is an important milestone for Ilkeek Aare Comprehensive School. This option can be used to recruit good teachers for the pupils. In April 2023, the new building was officially opened by Prof. Baetge as founder of [...]
A spikeball tournament inspires
The tournament was a complete success. All the children had a lot of fun and cheered along. At the final, everyone was follow along and cheering for the participants.
“We’ve already settled in nicely.”
Our interns have settled in very well at the IACS. In the meantime, they have held their first lessons or are taking on smaller parts in the classes. In particular, the physical education classes are very popular with everyone.
Four interns start at IACS
At the end of January, the four of them set off for Kenya. Janine, Kira, Marie and Constantin support the team at IACS on site. The first day together had many new impressions in store for everyone. Playing volleyball you [...]
Ein weiterer Meilenstein für Lehrerunterkünfte – die Dacharbeiten sind abgeschlossen
Bei unserem Bauprojekt der Errichtung von 10 Lehrerunterkünften wurden nunmehr auch die Dacharbeiten erfolgreich beendet. Das Bauwerk ist nun dicht und der Innenausbau kann nun weiter gezielt voran getrieben. Es ist angepeilt, die Arbeiten zum Jahresende zu beenden, so dass [...]
Mein größtes Abenteuer – Handballtrainer für ein Jahr in der IACS
Der 18-jährige Konrad Alexander hat gerade sein Abi geschafft. Seit vielen Jahren ist er Handballer in Berlin, wo er auch als Trainer die C-Jugend Mannschaft trainiert. Mit dem 4. September begann für ihn sein bisher größtes Abenteuer: über „weltwärts“ und [...]
Completion of the masonry work
The teachers' quarters are clearly taking shape: Work is progressing well and after just two months of construction, the masonry work has been completed. That went faster than expected.